My students' skits!

Today my students did a skit based on the following prompt:

        You prepared a 3-minute skit with your partner(s) to present at the beginning of week 3 in front of the class.  One can play the role of a journalist and the other a superstar, model, Rock-star or artistic figure.  If you are in a group of three, there could be one journalist and 2 artistic collaborators. 
        The artist(s) are trying to deflect questions about their recent romantic break-up and focus on their new album.  The journalists are hunting for juicy news to put in their tabloid newspaper.

My students' skits were creative, well-acted and at times very funny.  They kept each others’ rapt attention.  They did their skits often without notes, fluently and great expression.  I was impressed.  The only area I could think of for improvement might be to have them slow down a bit and work on enunciating a bit more.  I will address this further with them.

One special effect that was really powerful was their use of PowerPoint!  Two students were speaking certain lines and what they were actually thinking was posted in speech bubbles over their heads on the Power point screen.  Hilarious.  Their scripts had all the makings of a real drama that you might see on TV one day.   
