Corona Virus update

We’ve received a lot of worried communication from you all, regarding the corona virus. This is a post to let you know that we’re fine. One thing that I heard from someone is: the difference between an epidemic and a pandemic is pan ic, and that certainly seems to hold true for this latest adventure. We first heard about the outbreak, before Christmas. It wasn’t, at that time, an outbreak, but the New York Times announced that a mysterious illness had broken out in Wuhan, and people were on the ground trying to figure out what it meant. About two weeks later, we received a note from Dave’s mom, asking about the implications for our time in China. We said that Wuhan is a long ways from Xi’an, so no worries. We then flew south for our winter vacation in Guangzhou and Hong Kong. At that point, our biggest concern was the disturbances in Hong Kong – Should we go or should we stay in South China? After studying the St...