My Commute (A 24 minute walk!)

The Rainbow Bridge! 48.38 miles/week ! Coming from Southern California, commutes are not usually associated with restful, relaxing, and green. All three are true of my walk from my apartment in “faculty village #1” to the foreign language building. Our apartment is on the north-east side. The foreign language building is on the south-west side. Therefore, every day that I have class, I walk the hypotenuse. As a result, my fitbit tells me that I’m frequently walking upward of 50 miles each week. Let me take you on my walk! Over the rainbow bridge So, first you walk over the “Rainbow Bridge.” Yes! We have one. It connects the faculty housing to the campus. Unfortunately there are no pets on the other side. There is a security detail and many, many cameras, so I feel very safe. Next, you walk along this very beautiful, leafy avenue with, yes, more cameras. At about this point, there is ...